
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Assessment 3

During the course of this semester I have built and maintained a website, a blog, a flickr account and a delicious account.

- My blog consists of more than the minimum posts
- I have also changed the template and font on my blog
- My Blog also has a direct feed to my flickr account

- My flickr has 12 images which are all original
- Every photo on my flickr has a title, tags and a description
- I also comment on other peoples images including people not in our class

- My delicious has over the minimum amount of links
- The links on my delicious have been progressively saved over time
- The links include my blog, my flickr, my csusap page and a class members blog

- My website is a bmx based website
- It has a shop page, blog page, photo page, video page and contact page
- it has a counter and an RSS feed from my blogger account

What I have learnt:
- I have learnt a lot from this class. Before this class I was not sure what a blog was or what it took to maintain them this also goes for creating and maintaining websites. Using flickr also opened my eyes to the world of online art sharing, this website is a great resource for people to share images and videos that interest them. Delicious seems to be a bit of a hassle and I found hard to integrate into my work flow because it seemed like a bit or a roundabout way of doing things.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

You would have guessed it!

Spinal surgery SUCKS!!!!

It was so shit but it has fixed the nerve pain I was experiencing in my leg but has now moved to pain to the site of the incision on my spine at my L4/L5. Im over not being able to sit because its hard as to do this and some other drawing assignments that are due.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Ass 2

For this assignment I was required to create and upload a website to the internet using iWeb and Fletch. I found these programmes were reasonably easy to use and straight forward but iweb was a little restricting. I created a BMX company named "Rat Race BMX" and on their website I included a shop, photo albums, a blog, an RSS feed and links to my delicious and Flickr.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

week 9


Fetch is an easy ftp uploader, its pretty basic and straight forward check my website out.

Rat Race BMX

Week 8

This week we did Iweb, it seems pretty easy to use but it could also be very limiting due to its simplicity.

Ive pretty much got my whole website done already its pretty cool check it out!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Assessment 1


In this class I have made 9 posts including videos, pictures and html coding. I have also used blogger to keep in contact and comment on friends blogs. On my blog i have changed the background and the text colours and also have added gagets including a links bar, a home tab, fish and a hit counter.
Blogger Posts:
Kevin Bloody Wilson
Song covers
Blogger Comments:
Art vs Science
Funny Ads

On my Delicious account I have 7 bookmarks all of which are tagged with "mpi104_2011s2."
These website interest me because they are mainly classmates blogs and games.
3 favourite:
Tonys Blog
My Flickr photo stream

On my Flickr I have 5 Photos:
More Graffiti
69 Camaro

Monday 29 August 2011

Kevin Bloody Wilson TalkingAbout Nigel Crackatinny

This is a really funny vid I found on youtube of Kevin Bloody Wilson talking about his friend Nigel Crackatinny