
Wednesday 21 September 2011

week 9


Fetch is an easy ftp uploader, its pretty basic and straight forward check my website out.

Rat Race BMX

Week 8

This week we did Iweb, it seems pretty easy to use but it could also be very limiting due to its simplicity.

Ive pretty much got my whole website done already its pretty cool check it out!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Assessment 1


In this class I have made 9 posts including videos, pictures and html coding. I have also used blogger to keep in contact and comment on friends blogs. On my blog i have changed the background and the text colours and also have added gagets including a links bar, a home tab, fish and a hit counter.
Blogger Posts:
Kevin Bloody Wilson
Song covers
Blogger Comments:
Art vs Science
Funny Ads

On my Delicious account I have 7 bookmarks all of which are tagged with "mpi104_2011s2."
These website interest me because they are mainly classmates blogs and games.
3 favourite:
Tonys Blog
My Flickr photo stream

On my Flickr I have 5 Photos:
More Graffiti
69 Camaro